Terms of Service

In order to use Novelsago's services, you should read and abide by the "User Terms of Service" (hereinafter referred to as "this Agreement"). Please be sure to read carefully and fully understand the contents of each clause, especially the clauses that exempt or limit liability. Once you register as a member, or actually use Novelsago's services and products, you are deemed to have recognized and accepted all the terms of this agreement.

This site attaches great importance to the use of minors. If you are under 18 years of age, or do not have full civil capacity, please read this agreement accompanied by a legal guardian, and pay special attention to the terms of use of minors. Otherwise, Novelsago will not be liable for the adverse consequences of your subsequent registration, use of website services, etc., and has the right to terminate the service agreement between the two parties after knowing these circumstances.


This agreement and the "Privacy Policy" are agreements between you and the operator of Novelsago regarding the user's use of services related to Novelsago's products. The operator of Novelsago refers to the legally recognized responsible entity for the operation of Novelsago. The products of Novelsago include but are not limited to: Novelsago and the corresponding mobile apps on the above websites. "User" refers to the user who uses the services related to Novelsago's products, and is more referred to as "you" in this agreement.


You may need to register for a Novelsago account when using the services of Novelsago. Novelsago specially reminds you to keep your account number and password properly. When you are finished using it, you should exit safely. Because your improper storage may result in theft of your password or theft of your password, you are responsible for it. Novelsago will not be liable for any account security, privacy protection and other issues that are not caused by Novelsago's unilateral reasons and the losses caused by all parties.

Novelsago prohibits users from privately transferring paid or unpaid accounts to avoid disputes due to account problems. Users should bear any losses caused by violation of this requirement. At the same time, Novelsago reserves the right to pursue the legal responsibility of the above actors.


Respecting the privacy of users is a basic policy of Novelsago. Novelsago will not disclose, modify or disclose the user's registered information and non-public content stored in Novelsago services unless Novelsago believes that the disclosure of such information is necessary in the following situations:

(1) Comply with relevant laws and regulations, including providing information content posted by users on web pages and their publication time, Internet address or domain name when inquired by relevant state authorities.

(2) Maintain the intellectual property rights and other important rights of Novelsago and third parties.

(3) In an emergency, make every effort to maintain the privacy and security of users and the public.

(4) In accordance with the relevant provisions of this article or other circumstances deemed necessary by Novelsago

(5) For details, please refer to the Novelsago Privacy Protection Policy.


a. Unless you agree otherwise with Novelsago, you agree that this service is for your personal non-commercial use only.

b. You should use this service by means provided or approved by Novelsago. Your rights under the terms of this agreement are not transferable.

c. You must not use plug-ins, plug-ins, or third-party tools that are not authorized by Novelsago to interfere, destroy, modify, or otherwise affect the services under this agreement.

d. Right reserved: All other rights not expressly authorized still belong to Novelsago. You must obtain Novelsago’s written consent when using other rights.

e. Violation of the above agreement is regarded as your serious breach of contract. Novelsago can suspend services to you, terminate the service agreement and legal relationship between the two parties, and there is no need to refund the fees paid by you. If the liquidated damages are insufficient to cover the loss of Novelsago, Novelsago can also recover from you through other legal channels.

f. You understand and agree that the services of Novelsago are provided in accordance with the current status achievable by existing technologies and conditions. Novelsago will do its best to provide you with services to ensure the continuity and security of the service; but Novelsago cannot always anticipate and prevent legal, technical and other risks, including but not limited to force majeure, viruses, Trojan horses, hacker attacks, system failure Stability, third-party service defects, government actions and other reasons may lead to service interruption, data loss and other losses and risks.


During the use of Novelsago, users need to bring their own equipment for use. During the use, the flow and equipment costs incurred by the user shall be borne by the user;


Novelsago can send advertisements, promotion and other information to users on its own or by third-party advertisers in the process of providing services, and perform relevant obligations to advertisers in accordance with the law. The user is required to judge the authenticity of the advertisement and is responsible for your use and acceptance of third-party services or products (including but not limited to: checking, payment, consumption, etc.).


a. Novelsago has the right to provide this service free of charge or to request payment and has the right to revise relevant charging standards and charging forms by itself;

b. The recharge amount cannot be used for any products or services other than this service. After completing the recharge, the consumer will not be refunded the amount that has been consumed.

c. The virtual currency of Novelsago's products is not suitable for unreasonable returns. Once the exchange is successful, Novelsago will not provide any modification or correction services.

d. When the novels have to be removed due to copyright issues or other force majeure factors, we will inform you of reasons and specific time before the removal. Therefore, we are not responsible for any cost ensued.


When users of Novelsago products use products or services provided by third parties, in addition to stipulating this agreement, they should also abide by the third-party user agreement. Novelsago and third parties are individually responsible for possible disputes within the scope of legal provisions and agreements.


In the process of using this service, you may need to download software. Users can only use this software for the purpose of accessing or using this service. During use, in order to improve the user experience, ensure the security of the service and the consistency of product functions, Novelsago may update the software. Users should update the relevant software to the latest version; otherwise Novelsago does not guarantee its normal use.


This site attaches great importance to the protection of intellectual property rights and abides by various intellectual property laws, regulations and binding normative documents. It firmly believes that the legitimate rights and interests of copyright owners should be respected and protected according to law. Therefore, it is recommended that you read these terms carefully before accepting services from this site.

a. All novels on this site are created by authors stationed in the site or introduced through regular channels. The copyright belongs to the original author, and all uses must be approved by the original author in advance. If the original author has a copyright statement or the article is reproduced from another website with the original site's copyright statement, the copyright belongs to the accompanying statement. If you violate your rights, please contact us, and submit the relevant evidence that can prove your rights, so that this site can verify and take measures.

b. All the work comments on this site are the personal behavior of the publisher and have nothing to do with this stand, and do not indicate that we agree with the views in the article.

If some content violates your rights, please contact us and submit the corresponding materials so that this site can handle the problem.

c. Without the express written permission of this site, no one may modify, distribute, reproduce, reproduce, copy, plagiarize, trade, reprint, etc. the components of this website (including website pages, work information, work content, etc.). If this site determines that your behavior is illegal or detrimental to the rights of this website and others, it will retain the rights including but not limited to refusing to provide services, deleting user accounts, and initiating lawsuits.

d. If you need to contact this site for the above or other problems, please send it to novelsago@Outlook.com by email. The content of the email must contain your name, identification and detailed problem description and relevant basis, otherwise this site has the right Not dealt with.

e. For issues not covered by this statement, please refer to relevant national laws and regulations. When this statement conflicts with national laws and regulations, the national laws and regulations shall prevail. The right to modify and interpret this statement belongs to Novelsago.


Users shall abide by laws and regulations when using the service, and shall not use the service to commit illegal acts, including but not limited to:

(1) publishing, transmitting, disseminating and storing contents that endanger national security and unity, undermine social stability, violate public order and customs, insult, slander, obscenity, violence and any violation of national laws and regulations;

(2) publishing, transmitting, disseminating and storing content that infringes upon the intellectual property rights and trade secrets of others;

(3) maliciously fabricating facts or concealing the truth in order to mislead and deceive others;

(4) publishing, transmitting and disseminating advertising information and junk information;

(5) Other acts prohibited by laws and regulations or normative documents.        In case of violation of this article, the relevant national authorities or institutions may file a lawsuit, fine or take other sanctions against you, and ask Novelsago for assistance. In case of damage, you shall make compensation according to law, and Novelsago shall not bear any responsibility. At the same time, Novelsago can suspend your service, terminate the service agreement and legal relationship between the two parties, and do not need to return the fees you have paid. It is deemed that you pay the liquidated damages of Novelsago. If the liquidated damages are not enough to make up for the loss of Novelsago, Novelsago can also recover from you through other legal channels.


a. If the user and Novelsago agree that the dispute arising from this Agreement and the use of Novelsago's services cannot be negotiated, it shall be settled by the people's court in the place where Novelsago is located. If there are any terms of service that conflict with the law, these terms will be re-interpreted in the way as close as possible, while other terms will remain valid and have an impact on users.

b. Users should avoid involving Novelsago in political and public events due to the use of the service, otherwise Novelsago has the right to suspend or terminate the service to you.

c. If you violate this agreement, it will be deemed as your serious breach of contract. Novelsago can suspend your service, terminate the service agreement and legal relationship between the two parties, and do not need to refund the fees you have paid. It will be deemed that you pay the liquidated damages of Novelsago. If the liquidated damages are not enough to make up for the loss of Novelsago, Novelsago can also recover from you through other legal channels.


Users' rights to use Novelsago services are personal. Users can only be a single individual and not a commercial organization of a company or entity. Users promise not to use Novelsago services for sales or other commercial purposes without the consent of Novelsago. If the user sends or disseminates content (including but not limited to web pages, text, pictures, audio, video, charts, etc.) through the service, you shall be responsible for it.

If Novelsago receives a notice from the obligee claiming that the content you send or disseminate violates its relevant rights, you agree that Novelsago has the right to make independent judgment and take measures such as deleting, blocking or disconnecting links.


a. In the process of using the service, there may be force majeure and other risk factors that may cause the service to be interrupted. Force majeure refers to unforeseeable, insurmountable and unavoidable objective events that have a significant impact on one or both parties, including but not limited to natural disasters such as floods, earthquakes, epidemics and storms, as well as social events such as wars, riots, government actions, etc. In case of any of the above situations, Novelsago will try to cooperate with relevant units in the first time and repair in time, but Novelsago will be exempted from liability to the extent permitted by law for the losses caused to you.

b. To the extent permitted by law, Novelsago shall not be liable for service interruption or disruption caused by:

(1) Users themselves are damaged by computer viruses, Trojans or other malicious programs and hackers;

(2) The user's computer software, system, hardware and communication lines are in failure;

(3) Improper operation of users;

(4) Users use the service in a way that is not authorized by Novelsago.

c. In the process of using the service, users may encounter risks brought by network information or other user behaviors. Novelsago shall not be liable for the authenticity, applicability and legality of any information, nor for the damage caused to you by infringement. These risks include but are not limited to:

(1) Information containing threatening, defamatory, offensive or illegal content from others anonymous or pseudonymous;

(2) Suffer any psychological and physical injury and economic loss caused or possible to be caused by others' misleading, cheating or other reasons due to the use of the services under this Agreement;

(3) Other risks caused by network information or user behavior.

d. This service is not designed for specific purposes, including but not limited to nuclear facilities, military applications, medical facilities, transportation and communication and other important fields. Novelsago shall not be liable for any personal injury, property loss or environmental damage caused by the failure of the above operations due to the software or services.

e. Novelsago is entitled to take measures to deal with illegal and infringing contents according to this Agreement. This right does not constitute Novelsago's obligation or commitment. Novelsago cannot guarantee to discover illegal and infringing behaviors in time or deal with them accordingly. If any corresponding problem is found, Novelsago has the right to submit it to the relevant government departments for handling, or both parties to the dispute over the infringement shall negotiate on their own, and Novelsago has no obligation to directly intervene in or handle the relevant problem.


a. If the user is under the age of 18, he / she is a minor and should read this Agreement and use the service under the supervision and guidance of his / her guardian.

b. Juvenile users are not involved in the world, easy to be confused by the virtual image of the network, and have strong curiosity. They lack the ability to deal with emergencies, and are easy to be used by people with ulterior motives and lack of self-protection ability. Therefore, minor users should pay attention to the following items when using this service, improve safety awareness and strengthen self-protection:

(1) Recognize the difference between the Internet world and the real world, avoid indulging in the Internet, and affect daily learning and life;

(2) When filling in personal data, strengthen the awareness of personal protection, so as to avoid the harassment of bad elements to personal life;

(3) Under the guidance of a guardian or teacher, learn to use the network correctly;

(4) Avoid strangers meeting or participating in social activities at will, so as to prevent illegal elements from taking advantage of opportunities and endangering their own safety.

c. Guardians and schools should give more guidance to minors when using this service. In particular, parents should be concerned about the growth of their children, pay attention to the communication with their children, guide their children to pay attention to the safety issues in the Internet, and take precautions in advance. If parents (guardians) want minors (especially children under the age of 10) to use the services provided by Novelsago, they must apply for registration in the name of parents (guardians), and judge whether the services are in conformity with the minors by legal guardian status.


a. You can request deletion of your data at any time by contact us in APP "Mine - Message - Feedback". We will evaluate such requests on a case by case basic. 

b. You have the ability to delete your Account, and you should understand that upon deletion of your Account. you will lose the right to access or use all or part of the Platform. 

17.About the Novelsago VIP Subscription

1. Period: monthly/ weekly (auto-renewable subscriptions).

2. Price: $19.99/ month, $5.99/ weekly.

3. Coins will be credited to your account immediately after yoursubscription.

Bonus, however, must be collected manually andday by day by checking in on the Rewards page.

4. Bonus will expire in 30 days.

5. About Subscription Upgrade & DowngradeIf you upgrade/downgrade your current subscription plan to a new one in the midst of a subscription cycle, the new plan(together with benefits and Coins connected to it) takes effect when the current cycle comes to its end.

6. About our auto-renew able subscription:The subscription would be renewed automatically within 24 hours before the date of expiration. Both sides can turn off thisservice. Once the service is turned off, the charging will stop, butthe already completed payment won't be returned.

7. How to cancel the subscription:


1) Open the Google Play app.

2)Tap Payments & subscriptions and then Subscriptions.

3) Select the subscription of Novelsago!

4)Tap Cancel subscription.

8. lf you have any questions about the membership subscription,contact us in Help Center


1. Open the Settings app.

2. Tap your name.

3. Tap “Subscribe”.

4.Tap the corresponding subscription.

5. Tap “Unsubscribe”. You may need to scroll down to find the “Unsubscribe” button. If there is no Cancel button, or you see an expiration message in red text, the subscription has been canceled.

There are now two levels of IOS membership features so that users can choose a subscription that suits them better.


Weekly $5.99 Get 600 coins instantly and 90 bonus credits daily.

Monthly $17.99 Get 1800 coins instantly and 120 bonus credits daily.


Weekly $7.99 Get 800 coins instantly and 120 bonus credits daily.

Monthly $19.99 Get 2000 coins instantly and 145 bonus credits daily.


Within the same level group, you can choose to upgrade your weekly subscription to a monthly subscription or downgrade your monthly subscription to a weekly subscription.

You can only choose to upgrade or downgrade in the same level, if you add a new subscription to another group, it is deemed that you agree to subscribe to both groups.

App Store Upgrade and Downgrade Rules

Upgrade: Upgrade immediately and receive a pro-rated refund of your original subscription, Downgrade: Subscription remains unchanged and renews on the next renewal date with the downgraded subscription.


If you have any comments or suggestions on this agreement or this service, please send an email to novelsago@Outlook.com, and we will give you necessary help.